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HCP Public Pages

Resources for the Human Connectome Projects

This guide provides instructions for getting access to the HCP OpenAccess Amazon S3 Bucket. It was originally written for use by participants in the course Exploring the Human Connectome 2017 and is based on similar materials prepared for the 2015 and 2016 editions of the course. It is intended to be useful even for users who were not participants in the course.

1. Get access to the Human Connectome Project database (ConnectomeDB)

2. Get credentials to access the HCP S3 bucket

2a - Data Use Terms not yet accepted


Figure 1: Data Use Terms not yet accepted

2b - Data Use Terms accepted, AWS Access for HCP Data not yet set up


Figure 2: Data Use Terms accepted, AWS Access for HCP Data not yet set up


Figure 3: Set Up Credentials

Figure 4: Successfully created AWS credentials

2c - Data Use Terms accepted, AWS Access for HCP Data set up

Figure 5: Data Use Terms accepted, AWS Access for HCP Data set up

Figure 6: AWS Connection Manager dialog

How to Create an EC2 instance for HCP Pipeline Processing

How to Get Access to the HCP Open Access Amazon S3 Bucket

How to Create an Amazon Web Services Account
